Supporting teachers to transform education with equity, justice, and healing at the center
Welcome to Unconditional Learning! My name is Alex Shevrin Venet.
I help teachers connect theory to practice to create safe, caring, and affirming schools.
I’m an educator, professional learning facilitator, and writer. I’m passionate about helping school systems turn away from control and compliance and embrace unconditional acceptance and community instead. Equity-centered trauma-informed educational environments should be the baseline in our school systems, and I’m on a mission to make that happen.
You want to support students through tough times but feel like your teacher education didn’t give you the tools you need
You want to center healing and justice but are caught in a system that values neither
You care deeply about the humanity of students, teachers, and communities, and want schools to be better for our young people
You might want to join me if...
I provide guidance, tools, and resources for moving through these challenges. Spend some time with my writing, take an in-depth professional development course with me, or bring me to your school or organization.
Why unconditional?
Unconditional positive regard is a way of being in relationship with others that affirms their innate humanity and worthiness. Originally developed by psychotherapist Carl Rogers, this approach is used in education, healthcare, and more.
I define unconditional positive regard’s message as “I care about you. You have value. You don’t have to prove it to me, and nothing’s going to change my mind.”

Don’t all people deserve schools where they feel unconditionally accepted?
I know they do, and this vision drives my work. Join me in making vision this a reality.